Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I've just found the blog Höpöhöpö whose main purpose is to encourage foreign learners of Finnish to read and write in Finnish, and communicate with others. I guess I qualify as complete newbie:)

I did some exercises from a textbook and found that my vocabulary lags behind my grammar.
I still love Finnish though, and will work to reach Higher Intermediate level, if not advanced.

Some day I will write in Finnish forums. Suomeksi!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Uusi Levy

Kyllä minä tykkään. Onhan se vähän enemmän pop (tavallaan) kuin edelliset levyt, mutta erittäin hyvä silti. En ole vielä kuunnellut kauheasti, mutta muutaman kerran lävitse kuitenkin ja hyvältä se levy vaikuttaa. Uusi laulaja on tuonut paljon mukanaan ja se on hyvä asia :)

sama englanniksi:

Yes I like. It´s more (kinda) pop than the older stuff/albums, but it´s still really good. I haven´t listen the new album so much yet, couple of times though and it seems good. New singer have brought much with him and thats good thing to be :)

This is a message from a Finnish guy on, in reply to my question what he thought of a new album. Kuintenkin (anyway) I had an error in the question, but hey, he understood me!

I don't have time to study:/ I listen to more and more Finnish music, though. My newest Finnish artist is Apulanta.